To produce a great podcast, you don't need a professional studio or a ton of recording equipment. Your iPhone® is perfectly fine recording equipment whether you're new to podcasting or if you're an experienced podcaster seeking a super-compact setup for podcasting on the move. Below we will show you the steps to use the iPhone® mic for podcasts and how to get excellent output.

Use an external microphone for iPhone® podcast
Internal microphones on the iPhone® allow you to record audio for your podcast. These, on the other hand, aren't capable of capturing high-quality sound, and in a medium like podcasting, where audio is the main focus, listeners will soon tune out if your recording is bad.
The single simplest way to greatly improve the iPhone® audio is to utilize an external mic. The SYNCO range offers some podcast mics for beginners that can deliver clear sounds and directly plug into the Lightning port.
The following video is a review of the SYNCO P1L, a podcast microphone for iPhone®, conducted by frederikboving. He compared the audio quality between the P1L and Apple internal mic and made a complete introduction to the features. You can watch the video and decide if it is the best iPhone® mic for podcast.
Of course, there are many other types of microphones for podcasting on iPhone. Among them wireless condenser microphone gains much popularity. But how to choose the best one? Check the article Why and how to choose wireless podcast microphone? to get the answers.
Go and buy SYNCO iPhone mics at Moman PhotoGears Store
Record in a quiet place
Record your podcast in a quiet environment with little background noise that might be picked up by the iPhone® mic for podcasts. Here the ambient sounds can be traffic or pedestrian noise, air conditioners or fans, or music. In addition, select a space with few reflecting surfaces, as this can give your audio a faraway, echo-y character that is unpleasant to listen to. Rugs, drapes, and bookshelves all assist to prevent reflections and make your podcast appear more professional.
Consider the placement of microphone for phone podcast
When you record podcast on condenser microphone for iPhone®, it's especially crucial to consider where your iPhone® mics for podcasting are in relation to your lips because you'll have less control over your recording. Your audio may get distorted if you are at a really short distance from your microphone; if you are too far away, it may sound distant. Make sure your mic is positioned directly at your lips, around 20-30cm away, so you can get a rich and professional sound.
Watch your microphone setup for podcast on iPhone®
Setting up your phone microphone properly is another key to high quality podcasting output. The level meter in most audio recording apps reveals the loudness of the incoming audio. Perform a few tests to verify your audio is clean and clear before you begin recording. While taking your test, keep an eye on the level meter. Your audio is excessively loud and may get distorted if the meter reaches the orange or red zone. Simply step back a few centimeters from the iPhone® microphone for podcasting until the level meter is slightly over the halfway mark, and check sure your voice is balanced when speaking.
Tips for arranging your podcast episode
Once you have invested in your iPhone® external microphone and got everything ready to get clean podcast audio, it is time to think about what you are going to record so you can share appealing content with your audience. Here are some tips for you.
Creating an outline
Firstly, you should plan out your episode, including what it will be about, the title, and the overarching theme, as well as what research will be needed, who you will interview (if this is a part of your program), and what assets you will require such as ads, music, and sound effects.
The purpose of this step should be to produce a concise yet detailed overview of how the episode will unfold. It's entirely up to you whether you do this one at a time or plan out a complete season/series.
Research is essential to help clarify and drive home your major points, make it easier to explain a topic intelligently, and authoritatively, inform your interviews, and improve the engagement of your audience. In this step, you are required to read academic papers, new, interview individuals, listen to music or read someone's work, or search for some information on the Internet.
You can opt to interview your guests before or during the podcast, depending on the structure of your show. In any case, planning is essential. While interviewing, keep the following in mind:
- Ensure that you have finished your survey.
- Prepare your questions in advance, and make them interesting if possible.
- Before the interview, give your guest a general idea of what you'll be talking about.
- Make a note of your interviewee’s name.
- Conduct the interview in a peaceful environment.
- Make sure your equipment is in working order ahead of time.
- Set a time restriction for yourself especially when you are having the live interview.
Write the script
This is important if your podcast involves a lot of talking activity. And the followings are some important elements that your script should include:
- Your self-introduction
- An overview of the episode
- Introductions to the guests
- Segues
- Main content - the segments themselves
- Ad reads
- A conclusion, making a preview of the next episode
Go and buy SYNCO iPhone mics at Moman PhotoGears Store
Podcasting on your already-owned iPhone® is incredibly simple with iPhone® mic for podcasts. Just follow the aforementioned tips and begin your first podcasting journey.
Note: Cover photo by Richard Wong